Fedora 24, Installed on Hyper-V (W10) - Display Driver & vGPU

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I have Fedora 24 installed using Hyper-V on top of Windows 10 (anniversary update)

Trying to get the Hyper-V vGPU working, but Fedora does not recognizing it, and it doesn't even recognizing the video device if i don't have the vGPU enabled.

Anyway to get some video acceleration or even just fullscreen working on this setup or should i look at different Hyper-visors?

Side Question: Would i be better off testing this with Server 2016 - Which has pass through?

I started this expedition after i noticed kernel 4.6 is suppose to support Hyper-V better than previous versions.

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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار superuser بازدید : 644 تاريخ : چهارشنبه 10 شهريور 1395 ساعت: 6:36